Thursday, April 28, 2022

Final Blog Post

     The presence of technology in our society today has had many unforeseen effects. While technology was intended to be a safe place there have been many dangers that have been encountered especially in recent years. There are many groups trying to counteract the dangers we as consumers face when online. The fact of the matter is that the internet is somethng that we are required to use and cannot avoid. Therefore it is our own responsibility to ensure our safety and keep an eye out for the threats that we know are out there.

    This link  is a great resource that lists out various different threats to our online safety. There are many different ways that theft can be done through technology. Methods such as phishing and malware can be used to steal information from users. There are many variations to the tools used to steal information from onlne users.

What is Malware & What Does it Do? | Malware Definition | Avast

    These are all different forms of a computer virus called malware. With these different variations you get different situations. Like the image says ransomware blackmails you and almost hold your information ransom. You have to pay to get it back and if you dont you may never get your data back or it may be used in worse ways. Spyware simply steals data for someone elses purposes. 

    Despite many times thinking that a threat online is a stranger there are many times when the threat is a company we give our info to. 

    Despite the massive risk caused by high internet traffic, the internet has clearly shown so many benefits. With communications being a vital part of human life we canot ignore the fact that because of technology we are able to learn and communicate in ways we never thought possible. Along with personal communications, businesses and governments are able to dispense informations with lightning speed. 

    This article has some great explanations of how our data is used.

    The information that compaines collect helps a site or company cater to the needs of their users. It is quite interesting how this is such a double edge sword. The fact that so many companies are privy to our private information means that they are both able to help us specifically, whle also posing the threat of spying and stealing from us. When these companies such as twitter, instagram, google, and other incredibly popular websites and social media platforms have so much access to our information it is important to take our security seriously. It can be a great blessing to be involved with the internet, but if security is disregarded then we can find ourselves being victims of alot of different threats.

    From these examples of both threats and conveniences we can see that there are defenitley alot of benefits as long as we take security seriously. When we put ourselves at risk of things like cyberbulllying, or other unintended consiquences, we need to understand that the internet is such a broad spectrum of people and programs that there is always a threat that we havent thought about. We have to stay vigilant and involved in our own safety and security. We cannot just rely on a company to protect us while we dont pay attention to the situations we put ourselves into. If we can do that then we can stay safe while preventing many new possible threats.

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