Sunday, February 13, 2022

EOTO New Technology

     The most interesting piece of technology to learn about for me was definitely the pager. I had always known about pagers but I did not know about the mechanics of a pager, nor did I have a reason to. I found it very interesting to learn about one of the most useful forms, of communicating and receiving messages, that has ever been developed. It was very interesting to hear that pagers can be used in dead zones. This makes total sense why they were implemented in hospitals since the situations hospital workers face can be life or death. The concept of in-sync messaging sounds like such a simple thing in our day and age, but being able to accomplish this in 1921 sounds like a major milestone for electronic communication in our world. The lives changed by this form of communication must be significant. The pager had such a valuable use and served that well for years and years.

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My relationship with technology

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